Blog Levi's Blog

What one year means for a two year old

One year ago today, Levi lay in his bed as the amazing gift that was sent from the other side of the world by a complete stranger drained into his little body. This man had no idea what this gift would mean to this beautiful little two year old boy. But here we stand, 365 days or 8768 hours onwards (who’s counting) with Levi hanging onto this gift with all his might.


To say that it was smooth sailing would be a complete lie. The road has been tough, rocky to say the least. We have all dug deep and have had some amazing support along the way. As we embark on the next leg of our families journey, it is worthwhile for us to take a moment to reflect on how amazing and tolerant Levi has been throughout his treatment.


4 replies on “What one year means for a two year old”

What a year it has been for you all. He is such an amazing little boy, and he was born lucky to have a such a strong loving family. xxx

– thank you for sharing the ups and downs of the past year. You are totally amazing parents and your unconditional love for the boys a medicine with great side effects! xx Sonia

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