How can I help?
This is a question we get the most and one we find the most difficult to answer. Whilst it is hard to accept offers, we do realise that it takes a community to help us help our boys to stay well. So here goes….
While in Sydney:
Our energy is going to be on Levi, so eating well or a home cooked meal is going to be the furthest from our minds. If you are in Sydney, coming to or want to send some food up with our family we would be grateful. We will have access to a fridge, freezer & microwave and have been advised it is best if it can be portioned up to a single serve size, to make freezing/reheating easier. And if we aren’t asking a lot already, it needs to be gluten free. If you need guidance on cooking gluten free let us know.
If you are in the Sydney area and wouldn’t mind doing a load of washing or two for us we would be grateful, as Levi will be needing new PJ’s daily. Jude also likes to wear more than one outfit a day, at least he is getting some mileage out of his clothes!!
Ant & Belle
Do you love our girls? Have a secure yard? Have some time to be loved the only way a Beagle & Lab know how? Please let us know, we are going to be in Sydney for 3-4 months!! Unfortunately we will only be able to have weekend visits with them as Ronald McDonald House has a strict no overnight fur guest rule 🙁
Global Scale:
- Vaccinations – Are you up to date with your immunisations? In order to keep our boys safe and those in the community with a Primary Immune Deficiency (PID), please consider having the flu vaccination and ensure your immunisations levels are current i.e. Whopping Cough needs to administered every 10 years. It is the herd immunity that will keep our boys safe from disease & infection, especially when it comes to bacterial infections like whooping cough which could be fatal.
- Donate Blood – This is a wonderful way to help the community on a regular basis, commit to being a regular blood donor. Levi has already had a couple of blood transfusions and is likely to need more during his bone marrow transplant.
- Register to donate Bone Marrow – A stranger on the other side of the world is giving Levi & Jude a chance at a cure by donating their bone marrow, what a wonderful gift. If you want to be a super hero to someone like Levi & Jude, look into how you too can be a bone marrow donor.
Other ways:
Check out the HELP section of the blog for additional ways that you can pitch in to not only help us but help refine the cure for Jude and future CGD patients that are staring down this journey.