Today we had a big adventure off campus to the local park.
It’s scary enough taking Levi from the isolation apartment to the hospital, let along taking him out into the world. Levi is allowed to go out in public though we have to be very cautious and selective about when and where we go. Open air excursions are the best option provided that there are not any other people around, especially other children. The post BMT rules are very similar to the CGD rules, only more strict, as Levi’s immune system is quiet immature and unable to fight viral, bacterial and fungal infections. So it is a “no” to barked parks/gardens, decaying leaf litter, exposure to soil, construction sites and stagnant water. Just to list a few of the main offenders.
As it was a lovely sunny Sunday morning, we thought an early start to the local park would be a wonderful choice as Levi’s first excursion.
Levi had lovely time running around and exploring the park, keeping Oma on her toes & getting Mummy to dry the slide by going down first!!
We got the park to ourselves for about half an hour before some other kids came to play and that was our cue to go. Levi was disappointed though quiet tired, so didn’t fight going home too much. Especially since he was going home to Daddy Fun-land…
The afternoon was finished off with a music session. Jude loved his new bongo’s, that kid has an amazing sense of rhythm!!
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It was a fun day