Blog Levi's Blog

Breaking away!

As I drove into Sydney last weekend with the two furry girls in the back I was bopping along to 2Day FM when I heard about a competition that they were running where they were giving away free tickets to the Ben & Jerry’s open air cinema at Bondi. You could almost see the light bulb flicker on for a brief moment where I thought, “wow that would be a nice outing for us away from the hospital” so it was on. I relentless took every opportunity for the remainder of the weekend to see if I could score us a couple of tickets for a nice night out during the following weekend as I knew we would have a dedicated carer for both Levi and Jude. Unfortunately the stars didn’t align for me and come Sunday night I knew that it was not meant to be. Feeling like all was not lost, I tried one last attempt to secure a ticket and sent an email though to the contact us page at the radio station. Monday came around and we were sitting at Ronald McDonald house having a cup of tea whilst Levi had a nap in his room and my phone rang… No Caller ID. As I answered the phone I thought it was the hospital calling as that is what normally appears when they call. It was not to be. She introduced herself as Zoe from 2Day FM, I did not know that she was actually a producer for the morning show. She asked for a little bit more information as to what we were doing as I had mentioned that we had been up in Sydney for a while and was looking to get away for a few hours, if only it was to the next suburb. She asked if I would be happy to have a chat on live radio tomorrow and I shrugged and said, “sure, why not”. So I was told that I would be called at 5:50am the following morning for a brief 3 minute interview so I could tell our story.

The following morning I got a text to let me know that it would need to be postponed, I was ok with that as it had been a bit of a rough night with many a beep and the equivalent door slams, so it was back to bed for at least another hours sleep. At 9:30 my phone rang, it was Jules and Sophie ringing me for the interview. Heart a flutter I sat down and took my 3 minutes of fame. Jules let me know that unfortunately they didn’t have any movie tickets to give me, and after some coercion from Sophie, Jules finally relented and let me know that 2Day FM were touched by our story and that they had organised for us to have a Friday night out. We received a 3 course meal at the Canopy Restaurant, followed by some amazing seats at the Lion King and putting us up overnight at the Metro Hotel Central in the city center….. I was speechless. Then to top it all off, they also threw in 2 complimentary passes to the Ben & Jerry’s Open Air cinema!

So last night, we took the opportunity to spoil ourselves as Levi’s aunt Kym came for a sleep over. The night was amazing, the food was sensational, the show left Jayde in tears and me with a dry mouth having spent the first half with my mouth wide open.

20140209-144200.jpgAfter an amazing night away, we felt refreshed and rejuvenated.

5 replies on “Breaking away!”

Yeah it was a great night and Jayde definitely scrubs up alright 🙂

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