
Welcome to VijuFoo…

We’re a young family with two boys recently diagnosed with a genetic disease known as CGD.

Our oldest son Levi was diagnosed with CGD at 20 months of age, when we were six months pregnant with our second son, Jude.

Levi had a bone marrow transplant in January 2014 which has cured his symptoms of CGD, however treatment is still ongoing. Jude had his bone marrow transplant in November 2014 with his treatment ongoing and a few complexities along the way.

Hope, Love, Inspire & Dream

We have created this website in the Hope that we can share a CGD story and a soon to be moment in time that we have lived through.  We will be living & loving life to the full with our boys with every ounce of Love we can muster, regardless of where we are as long as we are together.  As a family we hope to Inspire other families of children with rare diseases & we Dream to know what it’s like to live a normal life with two healthy boys.

Hope, Love, Inspire & Dream is the mantra that we will live by until both our boys are cured.

This is our story…


29 replies on “#ViJuFoo”

Hay guys just heard about all your trials. Lots-a-love a hugggsss all round, let me know if there is any thing I can do.

Good to see the little guy (through a window)
So many attachments (tubes & monitors) during this progress
Keep up the good work of getting better, we are all behind you xxx

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