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The things we do…

The routine of waiting is now firmly bedded down. We are taking every opportunity to find new and exciting things to do with Levi, from making paintings that reminded us more of Thai elephant paintings, to our ward friend Michelle bringing Levi his own personal scrapbook. Levi was also finding his own entertainment as he began putting his pants on both his head and his compliant little brother.

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As each day progresses, Jude seems like he is growing up fast and has already worked out how to get what he wants from the nurses. He has become very easy with his apparent elusive dimples and is quite happy to flash them at the first nurse or doctor willing to give him any attention. As Levi response to his medications improves each day, he is becoming more and more demanding of our time and has adopted a little too freely the word “mine” as he snatches toys from his baby brother. Though with the cocktail of medications that he is on, we are also seeing some of the crazy side effects, including Levi turning into a little wolf child with a fine layer of hair appearing across his body as a result of the cyclopropane immune suppressant.

IMG_2969In additions to the typical craft exercises that Levi has shown, they have also extended to fun things such as painting and decorating his own guitar, his play mat and, unfortunately, his own little brother. Music therapy is still a major winner though in our isolation room with Levi doing his best rock star impersonation of the music therapists ukulele, so we have decided to put off getting one until he has that out of his system. The highlight of this week though, would have to be the creation of his own music video about Thomas. Matt the music therapist manage to capture a whole bunch of video from the Levi’s favourite item in the outpatients department. Then with the help of Levi on the shaker, put together a cool video that I can see making it to the top 100 for 2014…. well if Bob the Builder could do it, why can’t Levi?!?

Since the start of this admission, we have been capturing Levi’s blood results and charting them to give us an indication as what was going on, under the skin. We keep getting told that Levi is looking fantastic on paper and when you look at his bloods you can understand why he looks good. As we move forward, Levi has consistently being above average and we hope that this continues. With positive energy, loving family & friends and a good team of medical professionals, lets keep him there. For anyone that is interested Hb=hemoglobin, WCC=White Cell Count, PLT=platelets, ANC=Absolute neutrophil count.imageIn preparation for finally breaking free, the nurses have started to train both of us in the correct use of Nasal Gastric tube for both night feeds and the administration of the shopping bag of Levi’s medication. With the amount of medications that he will be on at discharge, it is going to be interesting to see how we go about having any down time as there will need to be a lot of juggling to ensure that they are administered in the correct quantities and at the correct time.

Blog Jude's Blog

Puppy Therapy Day




Blog Jude's Blog Levi's Blog

We made it!!

What a long day…

Those that know us well are aware of the usual panic that goes on before we go on holidays, a tornado of last minute angst, tasks and packing. Today wasn’t any different. How do you pack up your life for 3-4 months to accommodate the unknown. It was easier to pack up our lives to head overseas, than 4 hours up the road!!

We hit the ground running at 5am to try and get some of the major things done before the boys woke and Nate headed off to work.  As packing with a helpful toddler is always a challenge, a balancing act of timing and pre-empting the unpredictable nature of a 2 year old.  Sometimes it works, though more so than not it’s a lot of juggling around them and seeing what you can cram into a 15 minute episode of Thomas the Tank Engine, provided he sits still for that long.

Coming into this week was quiet a stressful exercise for us both, and it was apparent as to how stressed out we were when Nate took the fish to their holiday home.  The fish were bagged, tagged and ready for transportation when I had noticed the fish tank sitting in it’s usual spot full of water. I was a little confused, though didn’t really think much of it at the time as I had my own tasks to deal with.  When Nate finally got home it was the embarrassed look that gave away that he had arrived on Sonia’s doorstep with the fish and no tank!!  Many thanks to Sonia for not only looking after the fish, though being such a good sport and lending us your fish tank on a moments notice.

Jude thought in all this chaos that today needed a milestone, he rolled over from his back to his tummy for the first time.  I’m guessing that this roll was done more as a defensive manoeuvre to get away from his big brother than a statement that he was progressing in his development!!  Though it was a timely reminder that this was the last day we would be home for a few months and to take some time out with the boys and just enjoy the moment.

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With the car packed to an inch of it’s life we finally got on the road & made it to Ronald McDonald house and into bed before midnight. I am still at a loss as to how we managed to pull that off. A huge thanks goes out to Miss Christine for looking after our beautiful girls over the next few days, it definitely made it easier on us all.

Blog Jude's Blog Levi's Blog

Yes our kids are sick, but…

Since Levi was first diagnosed with CGD back in April we have done our best to not treat him like a sick kid.  As we have come to realise that this is Levi’s normal, he doesn’t know any different.  While other kids can play in the dirt & the leaves, our kids have never known that so don’t know that they are missing out on anything.  They have lots of other experience that negotiate those environmental factors and are their “normal”

Just like Levi, we have only ever know what is means to raise a child with a chronic disease, we know no different, this is our life. So it surprises me when Levi is treated like a sick kid by other people.  Yes our kids don’t have an immune system that works, though we work around that on a daily basis.  It has taken many months of counselling to get into a frame of mind that is positive and to not dwell on the negatives, as life is short.  Though it can be hard when you can see your child being treated differently by those around him.

Yes Levi is having a bone marrow transplant, though don’t treat him any differently than you would any other any other 2 year old.  He still needs to learn boundaries & manners like any other kid.  Obviously Levi will have bad days and he will get concessions on those days, though at the end of this process we would like our little man to be the best version of himself.

The thing that is making it tough right now is when people act like this is the last time they are going to see him.  We pickup on that, Levi senses that & it upsets the whole family.  Yes this weekend was particularly rough on all of us.  This was suppose to be a “quiet” weekend for Levi, for him to hangout in his own environment, as he isn’t going to see the places he loves and feels comfortable for a few months.  It turned out a little differently than we expected, with the whole family feeling exhausted and Levi becoming very emotional and unable to express the feelings he was experiencing.

We start the process of BMT next week, though we are still trying to keep Levi infection free, pack-up our life & have some family time in our home.  It might sound like a simple list, though we are doing our best to channel ducks right now, appear calm on the surface when we are really stressed out and paddling ferociously.

Blog Jude's Blog

Welcome Jude

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