Blog Levi's Blog

The girls come to town

Over the last week Levi has been pining for his fur sisters. So after careful consideration (not really that much though) we decided to relocate the girls to Sydney, so that they could be closer to us.  As they are both registered pet therapy, Delta Dogs, we had the luxury of them actually allowed onto the Ronald McDonald House property and able to come into the apartment for the day.

Levi had begun asking about the girls on a daily basis and walking around the house with his two stuffed puppies under each arm. We had often caught him patting each one and having a long conversation with his stuffed version of Tee-Tee & Belle-Belle, so we thought it was time for the girls to make the journey.
imageNathan pulled the short straw on the 12 hour return trip to Canberra and headed straight home after clinic and returning the following morning with the most wonderful gift for Levi. As Levi stood at the front door, his facial expression was one of “is this really happening?” as Belle and Ant thundered into the apartment. Levi had a new lease of life and was beside himself that his sisters had made the special journey to see him. He spent the morning running around after the girls and continually hugging them at every opportunity. Jude was also in a state of joy as he made a grab for Belle as she ran past.

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As the morning wore on, Levi was in desperate need for a nap and the only way this was going to happen was if his two stuffed puppies were to be replaced by the real thing. Once he was fast asleep, the girls snuck out and had some quality time with mum and dad as we knocked back a nice cup of tea.

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Unfortunately the Ronald McDonald House reception for furry family members or Pet Therapy dogs does not extend to overnight stays so as the evening wore on, Levi bid his farewells to the girls and Nathan took them over to St Ives. The departure was slightly delayed due to Jude acting a little funny and deciding to vomit without a break, however it eventually subsided and we didn’t need to take a trip to ED. A special thanks to Robert, Glenn, Zane & Luke for opening your house and hearts to our girls and for the amazing updates (video and pictures) of the girls in their holiday habitat and with their new boyfriends.