Blog Levi's Blog

A day out

With Sunday’s park adventure such a success we thought that maybe we should try an adventure a little further a field.  So we jumped in the car and headed off to the other side of Sydney for a visit with Barbara, Frank & Milo.

Today was Levi’s first car trip since we arrived in Sydney back in early January, to say he was excited to be in the car was an understatement.  I thought he was going to have a conniption with all the buses, trucks and emergency vehicles we passed on our journey over the bridge.


Levi loved having another familiar place to explore and check in on, as it had been 4 months since he had visited and he wanted to make sure everything was still where it should be.  On arrival he did a quick inspection of the house and then got busy with his ‘tasks’…  Making sure Milo the dog was where he should be in the yard and inspecting the interior of the beloved doll house, making sure Barbie’s designs were up to scratch.  Barbie did not disappoint and the doll house was full of some new robust furniture and a barn on the side full of animals.  Ange had also left him a Thomas the Tank engine rocker, which he loved.

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