Blog Levi's Blog

Life is Boring

Levi might not have an immune system, though he is doing well.  The medical team has prepared us about all the things that could happen over the next few weeks and to date we haven’t seen those side effects, and hope that we don’t.  In a medical sense, things are boring, routine and unremarkable.  This is a time in our lives that we are excited to be “boring”.

One remarkable thing happening at the moment is that Levi is still eating relatively well.  The medical team are surprised that Levi even has an appetite, let alone a desire to eat, as at this stage of treatment the majority of patients have a nasal gastric (ng) tube to assist with daily nutrient intake.  Levi’s taste buds have changed a little; with his current preference being for sweet foods that are soft, as his mouth seems to be tender.  Though his go to food is still a firm favourite and makes me question if he was transfused with a monkey, as he is enjoying a minimum of 5 bananas a day!!

Levi’s hair is hanging in there and only thinning slightly, though he had a thick mop to start with so if you didn’t know he was having chemo you would be none the wiser.

He is getting more cranky as his blood counts are going down, though it’s hard to figure out if that is the treatment or if its just him being a 2 year old.  His counts are taking a little longer to drop, though they said that is because his marrow was “healthy” prior to treatment and it’s to be expected as his chemo was a less intensive.

We have our fingers crossed that life continues to be boring, routine and unremarkable for the many weeks and months ahead of us.

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